Theres K Agdler
Adress: Hårdvallsvägen 35, 832 53 Frösön, Sweden
Phone: +46 70–603 49 19

HDK-VALAND, Univerity of Gothenburg
MFA, 2024
Royal Academy of Fine Art, Stockholm
BFA, August 2021 – June 2022
Trondheim Academy of Fine Art
BFA, August 2020 – June 2021
Falkenberg School of Art August 2019 – May 2020
Valand, Academy of Fine Art, University of Gothenburg, 2017
“The publication’s expanded field / Publication as a social practice” Leksand Summer Academy
“Loose and simple bindings”, Artist’s books workshop with Cristina Balbiano d’Aramengo, 1-5th of August 2016
Valand, Academy of Fine Art, University of Gothenburg, 2015
“The novel in the world”
Södertörn University, Stockholm, 2010
Reflexive academic writing (advanced level)
Valand, Academy of Fine Art, University of Gothenburg, 2005
“Text conversations”
Skurups Folkhögskola 2005-2006
Teacher in Creative Writing
Stockholm University,
Literature science, Licentiate Degree: 1997-11-14

Work experience:
Artistic work
Worked as a writer since 2006
Worked as an artist since 2015.
Worked as a workshop leader in schools and with adults.

Project manager for several literature and art projects:
”Borderline (s)” Start support Region Jämtland
Härjedalen, 2021
“Digital Book Fair Jämtland Härjedalen”, supported by the Swedish Arts Council and Region Jämtland Härjedalen
“Stones travelling”, Start support Region Jämtland
Härjedalen, 2020
“Cartography”, Project grant Artist Center North, 2020
“Norrlands Futurum”, Project grant Kulturbryggan / The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, 2016

Other work (selection):
Teacher at Bäckedal Folk High School (online), 2021– 2022
Editor of the anthology ”Orter & Ställen”, Länskulturen, 2016
Project manager (50% September - December), 2015
”Mapping the conditions of literature and authors”, Länskulturen Project manager
FC NORR (50%), 2011 - 2014
Project manager for the feasibility study ”Literary stops in the Mid-North”, Länskulturen, 2011
Teacher in creative writing at the Institution for teacher education, Mitthögskolan Härnösand, Spring 2004
Editor Swedish Society of Knowledge, 1999 - 2000

solo exhibitions (S), group shows (G).

A hundred works for snow, GEST, Göteborg 2023 (G)
Speculativ Gatherings, Slakthuset, Gothenburg 2024 (G)
BROTTET - the quarry/crime, Galleri Monitor,
Gothenburg 2024 (S)
START!, Härke Konstcentrum, Excercisehallen Östersund, 2023 (G)
Thin Lines of Uneasiness, Galleri Monitor, Gothenburg, 2023 (G)
Potentialities, Galleri Monitor, Gothenburg 2023 (G)
Borderline(s) – Stories form the border, Kulturhuset Järpen, 2022 (S)
Friendly Reminder, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm 2022 (G)
Tunnel visions, Nobel light week Stockholm, ”Embodied border I”, video installation, 2021 (G)
Galleri Kit, Trondheim, Miktioner, photographies, 2021 (G)
Galleri KitX, Trondheim, Stones Travelling, installation, 2020 (S)
Trondheim Open, Trondheims kunstmuseum, paintings, 2020 (G) Trondheim Art book fair, Trondheims kunstmuseum, seletion of Artist’s books, 2020 (G)
European Festival of the night, Korpilombolo, ”Perifentrum”, talk and performance, 2017 (G)
European Festival of the night, Korpilombolo, “Norrlands Futurum”, 2016 (S)
Lat.63 Art Arena, Östersund, Wanderlust, installation, reading, 2016 (G) UNESCO Creative Cities Network Meeting, Östersund, selection of Artist’s books, 2016 (G)
Bastionen 2, Järpen, ”Norrlands Futurm” 2016, (G)
Ahlbergshallen, Östersund, ”Norrlands Futurum”, 2016 (S)
Härke Konstcentrum, Frösön, installation, selection of Artist’s books, 2016 (G)
Husby Konsthall, Stockholm, selection of Artist’s books, 2015 (G)

Books (selection):
Printed books
Anteckningar från gränsen, Vol. I, (Notes from the border, Vol. 1), essay, poetry, photographs, Staika Förlag 2022
Apelsinerna faller, (Oranges falling), novel, 2018
Typer & Maskiner, (Types & Machines), Akademin Valand, 2017 Norrlands Futurum – essä, manifest, noveller, bilder (The Future of Norrland - Essay, Manifesto, Short Stories,
Pictures), 2016
Tvillingparadoxen (The Twin Paradox), novel, 2015
Jordgloben snurrar runt sin axel i lugn takt – berättelser från periferin,(The Globe Spins on it’s Axis at a Sedate Pace - Stories From the Perip-hery), short stories, 2011
Valår (Whale/Election year), novel, 2009
Projekt Anaris [fjällfragment] (Project Anaris [mountain fragments]), novel, 2006

Artist’s books
Hälsning från Karantänien I (Greetings from Quarantine I), birch veneer postcards (woodcut originals), text about a 10-day quarantine walk from Sweden to Norway, ”stamps” of photographs from the trip, bound with tent string, 2020
Hälsning från Karantänien II (Greetings from Quarantine II), wood-cut printed postcards collected in a box, tied together with a tent string, text, 2020
Linjer/Streck (Lines/dashes), serigraphy, text Leporello, 2020
Spår I (Track I), Hardcover with original oil experiment prints, 2020 Spår II (Track II), Softcover with Japanese binding, scanned oil experimental prints, 2020
Stenarna reser från Jämtland till Trøndelag I (Stones traveling from Jämt-land to Trøndelag I), postcards in a box, photographs, digitalized Stone prints and frottage, text, 2020
Stenarna reser från Jämtland till Trøndelag II (Stones traveling from Jämtland to Trøndelag II), Leporello with photographs, digitalized Stone prints and frottage, text, Leporello, 2020.
Stenarna ropar, (Stones calling) box with serigraphy sheets, text, and a stone from Oallavággi, Norway. 2019
”Skräpytor” (Rubbish surfaces), Akademin Valand, 2017
Series of different Artists' books/book objects, Norrlands Futurum, 2016 Series of different Artists' books/book objects to the novel ”The Twin Paradox”, 2015

Prizes and awards (selected):

Adelbertska fonden travelgrant, 2023
Einar Scholtz Artist grant, 2023
Mannerheimfonden, Materialgrant, 2022
Författarfonden, Covidgrant, 2022
1-year working grant, Swedish Authors’ Fund, 2021
Grant from The Writer’s Copy Fund, 2017
Jämtland Härjedalen County Cultural Prize, 2016
Municipality of Östersund’s Cultural Grant, 2016
Grant from The Writer’s Copy Fund, 2017
Artist Grant, Swedish Authors’ Fund, 2013
1-year working grant, Swedish Authors’ Fund, 2009
1-year working grant, Swedish Authors’ Fund, 2008
The Literature Prize of the North (Norrlands Litteraturpris), 2007 Jämtland Härjedalen County Cultural grant, 2007

Artist house Lofoten, The North Norwegian Art Centre, Svolvær, July 2023
Ariane Wahlgren’s House, Athens, Swedish Writers’ Union, 2014 Henning Mankell’s farm, Sveg, Swedish Writers’ Union, 2010

Member in:
The National Organization of Artists (KRO)
Swedish Writers’ Association (SFF)
Artist Center North (KC Nord)
Author Center North (FC Norr)